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Saturday 22 April 2017

SNMP Setup on SUSE 11 SPX 64bit

1  Install net-snmp package on Server  

# zypper in net-snmp*

2.       Configure SNMP : ◦ # snmpconf -i
◦ Input 'all' (Read in and merge the SNMP configuration files)
◦ Select option #1 (Create snmpd.conf)
◦ Select option #1 (Access Control Setup)
◦ Select option #3 (Setup a read-only access community) cloudIT12$inf (Input community name)
Press 'Enter' (Allow all hosts and network addresses to access the community)
Press 'Enter' (Not restrict the community to any specific OID)

◦ Input 'finished'
◦ Input 'finished'
◦ Input 'quit'

3.       Add server address and port to /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
gb02qap595rbb2m:~ # cat /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
# Please see /usr/share/doc/packages/net-snmp/EXAMPLE.conf for a
# more complete example and snmpd.conf(5).
# Writing is disabled by default for security reasons.  If you'd like
# to enable it uncomment the rwcommunity line and change the community
# name to something nominally secure (keeping in mind that this is
# transmitted in clear text).

# don't use ' < > in strings for syslocation or syscontact
# Note that if you define the following here you won't be able to change
# them with snmpset
syslocation Server Room
syscontact Sysadmin (root@localhost)

# These really aren't meant for production use.  They include all MIBS
# and can use considerable resources.  See snmpd.conf(5) for information
# on setting up groups and limiting MIBS.
rocommunity public
# rwcommunity mysecret
4.       Start SNMP agent and verify listening port
#rcsnmpd start

dcindev201cloit:~ #

dcindev201cloit:~ # netstat -aunt | grep -i 161
udp        0      0*
dcindev201cloit:~ #
5.       snmpwalk -v 1 -c cloudIT12$inf <IP of current server>
Once this command will get executed. You will get long output message and finish. That means SNMP agent got configured and working fine

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